Skilled Representation For Your Divorce
Texas is a pretty liberal state in regards to divorce, as they do not require fault for granting the request. In fact, one can get divorced without having any justifiable reason at all. If you are thinking of filing for divorce, Parra Law Firm, PLLC, can help.
Divorce is never an easy decision, but it can be even more difficult when there are contentious disputes. For example, couples often fight over child custody or property rights in Texas. Even if spouses agree to file for a divorce decree, they should make sure that they understand the consequences of their decisions.
Legal Grounds For Divorce
Divorce is no easy thing, and you might be wondering what grounds for divorce are recognized in Texas – here’s a list!
- The spouse has committed adultery
- The spouse has abandoned the other for more than one year
- One of the spouses is confined in a mental hospital and has been there for at least three years, unless it appears that he or she may be released within two years.
- One of the spouses was convicted of an offense punishable by imprisonment for life, and has not been pardoned
- A felony conviction against one’s spouse
- Cruel treatment that endangers the physical or mental health of either party
At the Parra Law Firm, PLLC, our lawyers are experienced with handling many kinds of divorce cases. The types of cases we deal with vary from person to person, but some common ones include:
- Separating property and debt.
- Determining child custody arrangements.
- Resolving disputes over parenting time.
No matter what you need help with in your divorce, you can trust our experience to help you.
Begin Preparing For Your Divorce Today
Our San Antonio divorce attorneys will work to find the most satisfying outcome possible for your case. Our lawyers offer a free consultation and evaluation of all aspects of your situation. Call us today at 210-960-8766 or schedule a consultation online.